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Rookie card: 1979 Topps Wayne Gretzky Rookie (#18) PSA Graded MINT 9 is valued at a minimum of $425 unsigned. Signed, it speculatively would add no more than an additional $250 at current market prices. Based upon the frequency of items signed by Gretzky and the fact he is still alive, only means the value will not rise for some time, even on a card in perfect condition.

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Q: What is the value of an autographed Wayne Gretzky rookie card and the value of his counterfeit card of the same make signed by the great one?
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What is the value of a Wayne Gretzky signed rookie card?

Gretzky has only ever signed one rookie card of his....and he kept it. $4.00 US

How many rookie cards has Wayne Gretzky signed?

They are extreamly rare you could get anywere from 1000 - 50000

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Autographed rookies cards are only worth what his signature is worth .Never get a rookie card signed,it brings it's value down cause it's no longer mint with writing on it

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AnswerFrom $150 to $250What card is it that you speak of? His rookie signed card might reach numbers like this though most of his signed cards do not get anywhere near this value.

What does auto autographed mean?

Autographed means signed by a player.

What does signed mean on an item?


What is the value of an autographed football card by Rodney Hampton?

These are not exactly in high demand nor readily availiable. I have a personally witnessed autographed 90 fleer rookie card by him in mint condition. I would estimate the value at about $20-25.

Why the difference is price for signed vs autographed sports memorabilia?

Signed autographThere is no difference between signed memorabilia and autographed memorabilia. It is just deference in terminology. A signed baseball is the same as an autographed baseball and the same value. An autograph is signed. You could sign a check or a document but the signature would not be considered an autograph. You sign a baseball or a photo and the signature is an autograph.

What is the value of a topps Peyton Manning signed rookie card?

Well the card itself is worth $25 but since it is autographed it can be worth anywhere from $125 - $350. You just have to find the right buyer.

You were told that Wayne Gretzky does not sighn his rookie cards is this correct?

First of all it doesn't actually matter...When you have a ROOKIE Card signed it defaces the mint value and drops the price of the card..then raises it for the signature value. For example if Gretky's rookie is worth 1000.00 mint but near mint is 200.00 then you would loose eight hundred dollars in value and then raise it b$50-100 dollars for the signature. So it is much smarter to get a second or third year card signed that has a much less value like $50 mint and 30 near mint because the card will be worth $130 signed.