Depending on the condition they can sell for between 50$ and 100$.
it makes it not have sting
Additional InformationBat Model B267 Bat Length 33" Bat Weight 30.5oz Bat Barrel 2.520" Bat Handle Size 1.005"
The value of a Collegian Pepper Martin Model baseball bat averages between $50 and $90. If the bat is in excellent condition (unused), it may be worth somewhat more.
Hittersinc is a company that sells the R161 model baseball bat. It features a thick handle and a large barrel, and costs $69.99 as of October 2014.
The value of a Spalding baseball bat with the name Frankie Frisch stamped on it depends on its condition. The value is generally between 400 and 2,300 US dollars.
Close to $300
It is when the ball is hit near the handle or tip of the bat and the vibration reaches your hands.
Baseball reference. If you can't handle the wood (swing the bat), ride the pine (sit on the bench).