The hitter...
Shawn Crahan
the big Samoan guy
he throws a baseball bat at you
Saw (the first one).
if you give yourself up to advance the runner. ex. if u bunt a guy over to second but you get out
Fights are not always predictable in the way they turn out, and sometimes the element of surprise is more important than either the skills or weapons which are brought to the fight; that said, the probability is that a karate master can defeat an opponent who is armed with a baseball bat.
carl is the guy who shot jim by accident later on his daughter gets haunted by a ghost which her and her boyfriend accidently killed with a baseball bat...
I'm not sure but I think it is a vampire bat.
Bat string guy
One bat is the actual animal, and it's a tiny black guy on the left mast on the big ship in the center. The other bat is a baseball bat, and you can only see the handle. It is located beneath the letter "S" of the store name Chest. Happy hunting :)