A Mickey Mantle single signed Baseball is worth about $400.-$600. Price will vary based on condition, and type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Rare examples of a pristine signature or inscriptions like "The Mick" "HOF 1974" or 536 HR's" could raise the price to the $1,000. price range. Personal inscription like "Good luck Mike" could sell below $400. A rarely signed full name signature "Mickey Charles Mantle" will break the $2,000 price mark as it did in a May 5th 2007 live eBay auction selling for $2,390.
After condition the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature will dictate the price. Mickey Mantle was under contract with the Upper-Deck company before he passed away. Baseballs that have the Upper deck hologram could sell in the $1,000.-$1,500. price range. signatures that have not been authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. The baseball being signed in 1961 will have little effect on the value unless it could be proven, or if the baseball that the signature is on is from that era. The most preferred baseball to have a player sign would be an Official Major League baseball from the League the player played in, that was used during the ballplayers playing days. If it is an Official Amaerican League Joe Cronin baseball it would be more desirable, and could sell for more. For more information on Mickey Mantle memorabilia visit the link below.
What is the value of a stamped mickey mantle baseball? Its the 40th anniversary 1956 triple crown season.
Mickey Mantle signed fotoballIt sound like you might have a Mickey Mantle signed fotoball that also features a stamped signature.. A mickey Mantle signed baseball is worth about $500.- $800. with the proper authenticity. If it's signed twice it might sell for more if you find enough collectors interested, but it might be viewed as more of a novelty. If it is a Mickey Mantle signed Fotoball it might have a lower value as it would not display as nice as a collectors preferred Major League baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
2007 Topps Mickey Mantle Autograph cardMickey mantle passed away on August 13, 1995. The 2007 Topps card you have might feature a facsimile signature as Mickey Mantle could not have signed it. If the card was a autographed insert by Topps which a cut signature would have been used then value will rely on the number of inserts that were made that year. For a value for either the 2007 Topps Mickey Mantle card or insert, the card number would be needed to identify the exact card you have. In general a signed Mickey Mantle Baseball card is worth about $150.-$300. if properly authenticated.
it is worth $75,000
The value of a 1963 Mickey Mantle baseball card will vary depending on the condition of the card. If the card is in good condition, it could be worth more than $1,000.
A Joe DiMaggio Roger Maris, and Mickey Mantle signed baseball is worth between $1,200.-$1,500. Where the signatures are located on the baseball will effect the valie. If all three signature can be displayed at the same time it will have a higher value. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.
Mickey Mantle UDA single signed baseballA Mickey Mantle single signed baseball is worth about $500.-$800.Value will vary based on condition, and type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Rare examples of a pristine signature or inscriptions like "The Mick" "HOF 1974" or 536 HR's" could raise the price to the $1,000. price range. Mickey Mantle was under contract with the Upper-Deck company before he passed away. Baseballs that have the Upper deck hologram could sell in the $1,000.-$1,500. price range. signatures that have not been authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
Mikey SignatureThis would be difficult to put a value on as there are no auctions or a history of sales to base it on. I don't think there would be a large demand for it and it might be more of a novelty to a Mantle collector. If the "Mickey" Signature was properly authenticated as being signed by Mickey Mantle I would think it might fetch about half the value of a full signature or more if there is interest. A full Mickey Mantle signature on a baseball is worth about $600.-$800. If it were signed just "The Mick" it might have a higher value.
2000 Mickey Mantle Bat Card
These gold cards made by companies like Promint typically sell for about $5. -$10. on eBay. In a recent auction a 1996 Mickey mantle 3X MVP 23K Gold card that was graded sold for $495. The most popular 1996 Topps 23 Karat Gold Mickey Mantle Rookie 1951 Reprint Card will some times sell in the $10. -$15. price range.
A Joe DiMaggio Mickey Mantle, and Ted Williams signed baseball is worth between $1,200.-$1,600. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions. In a recent auction a Joe DiMaggio Mickey Mantle, and Ted Williams signed baseball sold for $1,553. For more Information on autographed baseballs visit the link I left below.