A Fernando Valenzuela single signed baseball is worth between $40.-$50.
Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.
That's actually a 1966 card, #215 in the set. It's worth $50 in Near Mint Condition.
If the baseball is "multi-signed", and not "single signed" you would have to name the other players that signed the baseball to get an approximate value.
The age of when the ball was signed does not determine the value. Supply and demand does. The value of the signature will rely on the popularity of the player that signed the ball, and how often he signed. If there are more collectors than signatures on the market the value will be high. If there are many signatures on the market and a lower number of collectors, a lower value.
how much is 1990 Fernando valenzuela baseball card worth today
About £12
The value may depend on which two players signed it.
signed naval print
It all depends on who is it signed by....
The value of a Manny Pacquiao signed tee shirt will depend on how many tee shirts there already are that have been signed. The more rare the item, the more value it will have when it goes on the market.
The value of an Alex Rodriguez autographed book will differ if signed on the cover or signed on the inside. A signed copy on the inside would be worth about $50. -$100. And signed on the cover about $125. -$200. value will vary based on condition and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. The signed cover will have a higher value because it make for a better display. Signed on the inside it will be valued more as a cut signature added to the collectible value of the book if any. If the signature is not properly authenticated it could sell at half the market value or less.
It's worth around $245.00
The value of a baseball signed by Cap Anson is between $400 and $600. The value depends with a few factors like the geographical location.