There is really no way to know which is probably why your question has not been answered. The demand for a Probert jersey is very small (basically limited to Detroit or Chicago hockey fans). The good news is that some people in those areas are die hard Probi fans and if you find the right crowd the jersey price will increase significantly. The hard part is trying to find a way to reach the limited but die hard fans. That is why the value of the jersey is near impossible to estimate.
a puck
A hockey puck
THE PUCK, you play hockey to get the puck.
The value of an official behind the hockey puck hand signed by Patrik Kaleta and Brian Holzinger is $450.
The hockey puck was invented so hockey players had something to shoot into the goal.
The Game of Ice hockey is played with a Puck.
A puck stopper is another name for a goaltender in hockey.
A Kyle Okpososinged hockey puck is worth 500$
The surface area also depends on the thickness of the puck.
Actually Nothing.
The average lifespan of an NHL hockey puck is 7 minutes.