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In general a Babe Ruth store model bat could be worth between $200. -$500. Besides condition there are many factors that will effect the price more or less. Baseball bats closest to the players size and model number that was used during his playing days will sell at a higher price. Decal bats are very desirable and could sell in the $1,000.'s

The dating of the bat is one of the most important factors on value along with condition. Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made.

For example: a bat made between 1916 - 1929 will have HILLERERICH & BRADSBY Co in the center label as opposed to J.F. HILLERERICH & SON Co as the bats made before. TRADE MARK REG US PAT OFF appears below the oval and changed to TRADE MARK REG in 1930.

"Bone Rubbed" is a process to harden the surface of the bat and appears on bats made in the 1920s The "Powerized"process was first used, and patented by the Hillerich & Bradsby Co. in 1931 and has pat. pending beneath the stamp. Powerized and Bone Rubbed" logo is used during the 1932 season. In 1933 and 1934 you will see it stamped "Powerized and Oil Tempered" which usually is a very light heat foil type print. in 1935 until present, they go with just "Powerized"

During the 1980's Louisville Slugger issued these replicas of Babe Ruth's last style bat, and stamped 1935 on the knob. The majority of these were sold through a mail order company called J. Petterman and listed at around $100. Yes. The same J. Petterman catalogue featured on the television comedy series Seinfeld. These replica bats sell for about $55.-$125, on eBay.

For more information on vintage baseball bats, value, and dating I will leave links below.

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In general a Babe Ruth store model bat could be worth between $200. -$500. Besides condition there are many factors that will effect the price more or less. Baseball bats closest to the players size and model number that was used during his playing days will sell at a higher price. Decal bats are very desirable and could sell in the $1,000.'s

The dating of the bat is one of the most important factors on value along with condition. Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made.

For example: a bat made between 1916 - 1929 will have HILLERERICH & BRADSBY Co in the center label as opposed to J.F. HILLERERICH & SON Co as the bats made before. TRADE MARK REG US PAT OFF appears below the oval and changed to TRADE MARK REG in 1930.

"Bone Rubbed" is a process to harden the surface of the bat and appears on bats made in the 1920s The "Powerized"process was first used, and patented by the Hillerich & Bradsby Co. in 1931 and has pat. pending beneath the stamp. Powerized and Bone Rubbed" logo is used during the 1932 season. In 1933 and 1934 you will see it stamped "Powerized and Oil Tempered" which usually is a very light heat foil type print. in 1935 until present, they go with just "Powerized"

During the 1980's Louisville Slugger issued these replicas of Babe Ruth's last style bat, and stamped 1935 on the knob. The majority of these were sold through a mail order company called J. Petterman and listed at around $100. Yes. The same J. Petterman catalogue featured on the television comedy series Seinfeld. These replica bats sell for about $55.-$125, on eBay.

For more information on vintage baseball bats, value, and dating I will leave links below

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Q: What is the value of a Babe Ruth model bat?
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What is the value of a Babe Ruth sighed bat?

It is very rare to come across an autographed Babe Ruth baseball bat. There are not enough signed Babe Ruth bats to give you an accurate value. It wasn't a common item to have signed in Ruth's day. Baseballs were readily available, and Ruth signed plenty. Fountain pens were used to sign most autographs, and it might have been a bad choice to sign a bat. I did find a bat that was painted silver before Babe Ruth personally inscribed and dated his Fountain pen signature on it. The bat sold for $12,969. I would think that a higher quality baseball bat would sell for $20,000. and up.You might have a Babe Ruth endorsed signature model baseball bat. This signature that appears on the bat is stamped on at the factory, and is placed on the barrel. Depending on the condition, size, make, and model it could be worth between $300. -$500. Bats with decals, and pro model bat would be worth more.

What is a 1932 Babe Ruth bat worth Powerized and Boned rubbed?

1932 Babe Ruth Louisville Slugger baseball batA Babe Ruth Louisville Slugger baseball bat dating to the 1932 is worth between $400.-$600. price will vary based on condition, bat model, size, and era made. A baseball bat closest to the make, model, and size that the ballplayer used will be of the most value. "Powerized and Bone Rubbed" logo is used only during the 1932 season and this stamping will be desired by collectors.

How much is a autographed Babe Ruth promotional bat with supporting pictures and news articles worth?

Ruth travelled extensively and promoted himself tirelessly, both during and after his career - it's estimated he signed a half-million balls and bats! Provenance is the key to value; the who, what, when and wheres of an item's history. Value is always and function of this documentation. Your bat, assuming the autograph is genuine, is worth between $4,000-12,000 depending on the aforementioned factors. The value of the bat as a promotional bat will rely on what promotion the bat is from. The pictures and News articles will add value, as well as confirm that the bat is from that promotion. The Babe Ruth "autograph" could be an engraving of his signature into the bat as an endorsement. Babe Ruth All America Athletic Underwear came with a "promotional" bat, and features a facsimile engraved Babe Ruth Signature. The bat itself sells for about $400. you might use this price as a yardstick to measure value. See Related links below for more information on the Babe Ruth Underwear promotional bat.

What does the J in BRJ stand for in a Louisvile slugger bat?

Louisville stamped some of their bats with BRJ, meaning Babe Ruth Junior. In essence, the bat is a smaller or Little League version of the BR model, which was designed after Babe Ruth's preferred bat style.

Is there any meaning to 'R34' stamped on the heel of a Babe Ruth bat?

Yes, definitive meaning. The code you've described discerns this as a "store-model" bat, meaning a bat available through retail outlets, versus actually ordered and/or used by a professional ballplayer. With regard specifically to a store-model Babe Ruth bat, the "R" stands for "Ruth," and the "34" designates the length of the bat - 34 inches. If you measure your bat from the top of its barrel to end of the "knob," you'll likely find this is its length. Older store-model Ruth bats have value to today's collector, depending on their condition and vintage. The older and nicer, the better.

How many ounces did Babe Ruths bat weight?

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Babe Ruth's bat weighed 42 ounces and was 36 inches long. He used a 52-ounce bat when he wanted to send it out of the park. Go Ducks!

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1905 George Herman Ruth was 10 years oldBabe Ruth made his Major League debut on July 11, 1914. In 1905 Babe Ruth was 10 years old. in 1905 Honus Wagner, a star for the Pittsburgh Pirates, signed a contract with Hillerich & Bradsby co. and became the first player ever to endorse a bat. His autograph was also the first to be used on a bat and the first known professional athlete endorsement of a retail product. The bat you have could not possibly be a Babe Ruth game used baseball bat from 1905. If the bat was made in 1905, and used by Babe Ruth at a later date you would need very strong provenance showing that the bat was used by Babe Ruth. For the value of a signed Babe Ruth baseball bat see Related Questions below.

What is the value of an autographed Aaron Babe Ruth collectors edition bat from the Babe Ruth Museum?

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What are items that represent Babe Ruth?

baseball bat, baseball