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Louisville stamped some of their bats with BRJ, meaning Babe Ruth Junior. In essence, the bat is a smaller or Little League version of the BR model, which was designed after Babe Ruth's preferred bat style.

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Q: What does the J in BRJ stand for in a Louisvile slugger bat?
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What are slugger?

I think A slugger is a type of baseball bat.

What is a Louisville slugger?

It is a brand of Baseball bat (originally wooden) that is manufactured by Louisville Slugger. It is the official bat of the Major League Baseball.

What is a Louisville Slugger 125 Y bat?

It's a softball bat.

What is the value of a louisville slugger Rocky Colovito bat?

A Rocky Colavito Louisville Slugger bat goes for $300 to $350. If the bat was used in a game by Colavito and he personally autographed it, it can sell for as much as $1,200.

What did Stan musial bat In 1941?

Louisville Slugger

What is the age of a Louisville Slugger marked 125 in the trademark oval Larry Berra model?

Louisville Slugger bat dating guideHillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made. See Related Links below, and visit the Louisville Slugger bat dating guide. You can match the markings on your bat with the easy to use bat dating chart to get an approximate date for your Yogi Berra bat.

What does the number 9 mean on the label of a Louisville slugger bat?

Louisville Slugger's maple bat models are called M9 models. This is what is next to the trademark on the bat. It is simply the model name they chose for their maple bats.

What does 40 D B mean on a Louisville Slugger bat?

it means diamond ball bat

What bat does Ken Griffey Jr use?

Louisville slugger

When was Louisville Slugger Softball bat marked USN?


What is the value of a Louisville slugger bat stamped BU4?

About 500$

Who makes the bat exo grid?

Louisville Slugger and TPX