That all depends on many factors like the year and issue of the card as well as the overall grade. Its like asking how much does a Ford cost.
Satchel Paige signed programA Satchel Paige signed program in general is worth about about $700.-$1,500. Price will vary based on condition of both the signature, program, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. The paper of the program could tend to deteriorateover time, and collectors will not pay top dollar. Part of the value will be determined by how well the program displays the signature. The type of ink used, and how it stands out in contrast to the program.
A Satchel Paige single signed baseball is worth between $2,000.-$3,000.Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. In a recent auction a Satchel Paige single signed baseball sold for $4,481.25 This baseball had a LOA from PSA/DNA, PSA NM-MT 8, and a LOA from James Spence Authentication. The grade of NM-MT 8 rendered by PSA/DNA reflects a score of 9/10 for the autograph.
Satchel Paige single signed baseballA Satchel Paige single signed baseball is worth between $2,000.00 - $3,000.00 Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.I don't know the degree of the fading on the signature but as long as you can read it will have a value. The value will be lowered accordingly.
The value of multi signed baseballs cannot be priced by the value of each signature added up. Multi signed baseballs are valued as a group of signatures, and how desired that group is as a whole. This does not necessarily mean that two signatures will sell for less than one, but in most cases it does, or at least not the full value of the two signatures added up.A Satchel Paige single signed baseball is worth between $2,000.-$3,000.A Mickey Mantle single signed baseball is worth about $500.-$800.I could not find any auctions featuring a Satchel Paige Mickey Mantle Dual Signed Baseball and it would most likely sell in the $1,000. -$2,000. price range depending on the ability of finding collectors that desire both signatures on one baseball. A collector looking to buy a Satchel Paige signature might not want the Mickey Mantle signature, and pay less money for it. A collector looking to buy a Mickey Mantle signature might not pay the extra money for the Satchel Paige signature.This will narrow down the number of collectors in the market for a baseball featuring the signatures of Mickey Mantle and Satchel Paige lowering the price.Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
A Satchel Paige single signed baseball is worth between $2,000.-$3,000.Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. The personal inscription "A Bev" could lower the value. In a recent auction a Satchel Paige single signed baseball sold for $4,481.25 This baseball had a LOA from PSA/DNA, PSA NM-MT 8, and a LOA from James Spence Authentication. The grade of NM-MT 8 rendered by PSA/DNA reflects a score of 9/10 for the autograph
A Satchel Paige single signed baseball is worth between $2,000.-$3,000.Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. The value of a multi signed baseball or team signed baseball cannot be priced by the value of each signature added up. Multi signed baseballs are valued as a group of signatures, and how desired that group is as a whole. This does not necessarily mean that two signatures will sell for less than one, but in most cases it does, or at least not the full value of the two signatures added up. You did not mention the name of the team or year the baseball was signed by. Satchel Paige played both in the Negro League, and the Majors. This information would be needed to give a value. A 1948 Satchel Paige Cleveland Indians Team Signed Baseballwith the key signatures: Boudreau, Feller, Lemon, Mitchell, Bearden, Paige, and Doby is worth about $400.-$600. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Prices may also vary based on the amount of signatures, and key signatures acquired. The more complete the baseball with key signatures the more valuable. If the signatures are not properly authenticated the baseball could sell at half the market value or less.
It sounds like you have an honorary card for Satch because he didn't play ball in 1993. He was already dead. Probably worth less than .10 cents.
Leroy 'Sachel' Robert Paige was one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history. However, a 1993 Baseball Legends card (produced after his death) is worth about $1-$3.
4 the most part baseball...
get a copy of the 2008 Standard catalog of baseball cards.
The search engines can help you determine how much your Ozzie Smith Baseball cards are worth.
i have Donruss baseball puzzle 7 cards in packages are they worth anything