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200 dollars or more

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Q: What is an autographed babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig baseball bat worth?
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What is the cost of a baseball signed by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig that is in mint condition?

A Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig duel signed baseball is worth about $15,000. -$30,000. Price will vary based on the type of baseball signed, condition of both the baseball and signatures, and what type of authenticity that accompanies the signatures. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.In an auction held in May of 2007 a pristine example of this duel signed baseball sold for $33,460. and another sold for $26,290. in October 2007 an excellent duel signed Ruth Gehrig baseball signed with the quotation marks around "Babe" that typifies his pre-1928 autograph sold for $14,340.Lots of these Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig baseballs were signed during Barnstorming tours of the US. Below is a link to a great baseball that sold for about $25,000. The Babe Ruth Autograph signed on the Baseball with the inscription: "I'll Punch Lou in the Nose" and the Lou Gehrig Autographed inscription: "To my friend Kay from H.L. Gehrig The kid known as Lou" Check it out.

Who did Babe Ruth inspire to play baseball?

lou gehrig

What is the value of a photo autographed by Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth picturing the two.?

A Lou Gehrig autographed photo would be in the $5,000. range. Babe Ruth signed a lot of autographs during his career, and although still one of the most highly sought after signatures sells a little lower at $3,500.+ In general a dual signed Babe Ruth, and Lou Gehrig photograph could be worth between $6,000. - $10,000. Condition of the photo, and clarity of the signatures will be a major factor in pricing, as well as getting the signatures authenticated. The composition of the photo could also effect the price. Add value for inscriptions.

How much is a1985 autographed team baseball Kansas City Royals worth?

It depends on the people who signed it. do some research on the teamates and how good the team was and then you will get to estmate the team total. for instance if babe Ruth gave away a autographed baseball it would be worth alot.

What is the value of a baseball from 1929 signed by Ruth and Gehrig?

A Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig duel signed baseball is worth about $15,000. -$30,000. Price will vary based on the type of baseball signed, condition of both the baseball and signatures, and what type of authenticity that accompanies the signatures.In an auction held in May of 2007 a pristine example of this duel signed baseball sold for $33,460. and another sold for $26,290. in October 2007 an excellent duel signed Ruth Gehrig baseball signed with the quotation marks around "Babe" that typified his pre-1928 autograph sold for $14,340.Lots of these Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig baseballs were signed during Barnstorming tours of the US. Below is a link to a great baseball that sold for about $25,000. The Babe Ruth Autograph signed on the Baseball with the inscription: "I'll Punch Lou in the Nose" and the Lou Gehrig Autograph signed on the Baseball with the inscription: "To my friend Kay from H.L. Gehrig The kid known as Lou" Check it out.

Who will buy a babe Ruth and Lou gehrig signed baseball?

Any Yankee Fan

Babe Ruth singed baseball look like?

Babe Ruth Autograph SampleSee Related Links below for a sample of a Babe Ruth signature signed on a baseball along with Lou Gehrig. The signature is authenticated by PSA/DNA.

Who are some baseball players of the 20's?

Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Walter Johnson, Ty Cobb === ===

What is the value of a baseball signed by Babe Ruth and Willie Mays?

Assuming the signatures on the balls are authentic, the value and interest to collectors becomes a function of: 1) the clarity, legibility and overall condition of the signatures on the ball(s), 2) the condition and type of ball ("Official American League"?), and possibly, 3) the provenance; where and when obtained, may also dramatically affect value. If genuine, this ball would be worth between $1500 to as much as $2500, depending on the aforementioned factors. One of the most prized signatures in the hobby a Babe Ruth single signed baseball in general is worth about $6,000.-$10,000. Value may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. The type of baseball will also effect the price with an Official American league baseball from Ruth's playing days being of the most value.A baseball in poor condition with a weak signature could sell in the $4,000. price range or less, and a minty baseball with a strong signature could sell in the $15,000 price range or more.A signature with the quotation marks around "Babe" typifies his pre-1928 autograph and will sell at a higher value as well. To show that the baseball was signed in 1929 the ball might have to be dated by the Babe or Lou. This will be considered an inscription, and sell for more.A Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig duel signed baseball is worth about $15,000. -$30,000. Price will vary based on the type of baseball signed, condition of both the baseball and signatures, and what type of authenticity that accompanies the signatures. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.In an auction held in May of 2007 a pristine example of this duel signed baseball sold for $33,460. and another sold for $26,290. in October 2007 an excellent duel signed Ruth Gehrig baseball signed with the quotation marks around "Babe" sold for $14,340.Lots of these Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig baseballs were signed during Barnstorming tours of the US. Below is a link to a great baseball that sold for about $25,000. The Babe Ruth Autograph signed on the Baseball with the inscription: "I'll Punch Lou in the Nose" and the Lou Gehrig Autographed inscription: "To my friend Kay from H.L. Gehrig The kid known as Lou" Check it out.

What are the values of 2 signed pictures one of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and another of Lou and his wife?

A Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig dual signed photo is worth about $7,000. -$15,000. Price will vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signatures. Photo composition, and how well the photo displays the signatures will also effect the price. Larger and more desired pictures could sell for more. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Each of the two pictures should be valued on it's own merrit. A Lou Gehrig autographed photo (with his wife) would be in worth in the $5,000. range.In a recent auction a Babe Ruth Lou Gehrig dual signed photo sold for $16,730.

Did lou gehrig play against babe Ruth?

Yes, for a short time near the end of Ruth's career, Ruth played for the Braves while Gehrig remained on the Yankees.

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