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The mirrors were produced by Seagram's 7 Crown in the 1990's as a promotion and features the career statistics of the ballplayers. The mirror measures 20 ½" x 16 ½" Below is a partial list of Player Mirrors. * Joe Jackson * Roberto Clemente * Pete Rose * Willie Stargell * Babe Ruth * Lou Gehrig * Willie Mays * Bob Gibson * Ernie Banks * Gil Hodges * Tinkers to Evers to Chance

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Q: List all the seagrams seven crown baseball legends mirrors?
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What are the seagram's legends of baseball mirrors worth?

Seagram's 7 Crown Player Mirror ValuesThe mirrors were produced by Seagram's 7 Crown in the 1990's as a promotion and features the career statistics of the ballplayers. The mirror measures 20 ½" x 16 ½". In general they each sell in the $15.-$25. price range. The Joe Jackson, Roberto Clemente, Babe Ruth, and Lou Gehrig mirrors might sell for more. The Tinkers to Evers to Chance Seagrams Seven Crowns bar mirror is worth about $15. -$20.

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Where can you find Seagram's 7 sports mirrors?

List of Seagram's 7 Crown Player MirrorsThe mirrors were produced by Seagram's 7 Crown in the 1990's as a promotion and features the career statistics of the ballplayers. The mirror measures 20 ½" x 16 ½"In general they each sell in the $15. - $25. price range.I will up-date the list as I find others.Seagram's 7 Crown Player Mirrors Check List:Pete RoseCy YoungTy CobbWhitey FordWillie StargellBabe RuthLou GehrigWillie MaysBob GibsonErnie BanksGil HodgesRoberto ClementeJoe JacksonRoy CampanellaMulti player Seagram's 7 Crown Mirrors Check List:Tinkers to Evers to ChancePaige Gibson LeonardCobb, Young, Ruth, Gehrig, Hodges, and ClementeBill Cook, Frank Boucher, Fred "Bun" Cook**The mirror series was not just about baseball. There exists a 7 crown mirror of the "Bread Line" from the New York Rangers (NHL) first Stanley Cup winning season. The mirror has Frank Boucher in the middle of brothers Bill and Fred "Bun" Cook.