The Tinkers to Evers to Chance Seagrams Seven Crowns bar mirror is worth about $15. -$20.The mirrors were produced by Seagram's 7 Crown in the 1990's as a promotion and features the career statistics of the ballplayers. The mirror measures 20
Leroy 'Sachel' Robert Paige was one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history. However, a 1993 Baseball Legends card (produced after his death) is worth about $1-$3.
In 1993 Hoyle produced a Lou Gehrig card as part of their Legends of Baseball set. Depending on its condition this card can be worth up to $5.
The same price it is now. That brand is too common to be considered a collectible.
The same that it is now. That brand is far to common to be considered a collectible.
Depends on how good it looks and if it's rare or not
The baseball card had no worth. "What is your baseball card worth?" he asked.
it is about 1000 dollars
About the same that it is worth now, $15. That brand is way to big to be collectible.
About 10.00$ or 5.00$ on EBAY. I think.