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Q: How much is my bat from the 51 all star game it is vic wertz bat signed by most of the players in fair shape?
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Who were the players that changed the rules in basketball to make the game fair?

LeBron James

What are the responsibilities of the officials?

to keep the players safe, call fouls, and keep the game fair

What is the proper definition of fair play?

According to the MacMillan Dictionary, "fair play" is a noun that refers to the behavior of players who follow the rules of the game and do not cheat. It can also refer to behavior that is fair and honest.

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if the ball is touched in fair territory by any object that the player brings with them onto the field is ruled a fair ball no-matter where it lands!

What is the value of a Remington 45 cal pistol?

350.00 if in fair to good shape.

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300 USD or so

In basketball what are the Responsibilities of officials?

to keep the players safe, call fouls, and keep the game fair

It is fair that welsh rugby players get paid and women rugby players don't?

It has to be remembered that until recently (2003) Union players were not paid at all. The female game is developing and the gate money is increasing as is the sponsorship.