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Less than 25 cents.

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Q: How much is a Fleer star stickers Jeff reardon card?
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What is the value of a Fleer 1984 Jeff Lahti card number 327?

This common card is worth less than 10 cents.

What would the 1981 set of Fleer baseball cards be worth?

1981 Fleer baseball card setThe 1981 Fleer baseball card set consist of 660 cards. A complete set has a book value of about $30.00 in near mint condition. Key cards in the set that have the highest value include: Card 1 - Pete Rose UER, Card 57 - Nolan Ryan, Card 87A - Graig Nettles ERR, Card 140 - F. Valenzuela UER RC, Card 481 - Kirk Gibson RC and Card 574 - Rickey Henderson. Noted Rookie cards include : Danny Ainge, Harold Baines, Kirk Gibson, Jeff Reardon, Fernando and Valenzuela.

Value 1987 Fleer baseball tin with all cards team logo stickers and trading cards. The set has 66 stickers 672 cards and Fleer limited edition coated 12 card world series set. Please note that this?

A 1987 Fleer baseball tin with a complete set of cards will go for around $30. If it is still factory sealed and in mint condition it will reach upwards of $75 to $100.

How much is a 1991 Fleer Baseball Card complete set worth?

1991 Fleer baseball card setThe 1991 Fleer baseball card set consist of 720 standard size cards. A complete set has a book value of about $10.00 in Near Mint - Mint condition. A sealed factory set has a book value of about $12.00 Key cards in the set include: card number 33 - Barry Bonds, card number 302 - Nolan Ryan, card number 450A -Ken Griffey Jr. ERR, and card number 710 - K.Griffey Jr./B.Bonds. Noted rookies include: Jeff Conine. See Related Links below for a complete 1991 Fleer baseball card checklist.

What is the value of a jacque vaughn fleer 97 98 rookie card 297?

The value of a Jacque Vaughn Fleer 958 Rookie card 297 is $100.

Is s-33 the card number for a Michael Jordan fleer card?

yes it is.

Joe carter 1993 fleer card?


How can you tell if a 1986 Bonds Fleer card 604 is a Glossy or a regular Fleer rookie?

The glossy version is obviously shiny and the card is basically the same as the base set version. With that being said compare the Bonds card to any other Fleer card that you own, if the Bonds card looks shiny, then it's the glossy version. If that fails, go to a local card store and ask the owner.

91 fleer ultra frank thomas card?


1991 Michael Jordan fleer card that has s-33 on the back as the card number and says fleer 91 on the bottom right front corner is this a misprint?

No, it's not because the s-33 is just the number of the card that was printed and fleer puts their logo on the front bottom right corner to all of their cards.

How much is a fleer 1993 roger clemens baseball card worth?

The 1993 Fleer Ultra Strikeout Kings No. 1 Roger Clemens card sells for $6.99 to $7.99 in mint condition. The 1993 Fleer No. 348 Roger Clemens card sells for $2.50 to $3.50.

What is the difference between baseball card fleer focus and fleer focus masterpiece mania?

The Fleer Focus 2000 Masterpiece mania cards are a parallel set to the regular Fleer Focus with each of the crds 1-250 numbered to 300