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There are 3 sides on the Vince Lombardi trophy. On the top, it is in the shape of a football.

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Q: How many sides on the Vince Lombardi trophy?
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Who is vince lombardy?

Vince Lombardi is a very famous coach.. he has the Superbowl trophy named after him. He coached in the ice bowl and he is best known for his coaching and motivational skills. He worked at many school too. Vince was also a first generation Italian American... born and raised in Brooklyn New York.

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Yes, Lombardi had two children ... a daughter Susan and a son Vince Jr.

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He had two children. One was Vince Jr. and the other was Susan.

How many man hours does it take to produce the Vince Lombardi Trophy?

Lombardi trophy -- awarded annually to the Super Bowl champion since the first Super Bowl in 1967 -- is hand crafted by master artisan in 72 hours and valued at $12,500, the Vince Lombardi Trophy depicts a football in kicking position that is made entirely of sterling silver. It stands 22 inches tall, weighs seven pounds and takes 72 man-hours to craft.For more information please contact: Dan Masonson, NFL, 212-450-2081 Tiffany & Co. Elizabeth (Bitsy) Susich at (602) 320-1343 SOURCE National Football League; Tiffany & Co.Jon J. Walkuw

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5, but have only won 4 times

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Vince Lombardi said the #1 Speech because he felt that his team needed to listen to him, get motivated, to have a force that will guide them to win the Super Bowl, and he believed this speech would be the force that he needed.

How many Lombardi trophies are present at every Super Bowl?

Only one. The trophy you see the commissioner present to the winning coach is the one and only trophy that will go home with the victors.

What was Vince Lombardi's favorite quote?

Winning isn't everything - it's the only thing.