Selling a replica Superbowl trophy infringes on the intellectual property rights of the creator, Tiffany & Co silversmiths.
What you do need permission for is the use of the NFL logo. There are many organizations who have permission to use the logo in fact most reputable Football Memorabilia companies do have this. The product is not produced by the NFL so if you did have permission to use NFL logo, selling a Superbowl would not be illegal with the NFL. There are a few sites selling the Superbowl replica but after reading most reviews and having personal experience the copytrophy site offers the best quality replicas by far.
I ordered a Replica Ring from JOSTBALF several months ago. The ring was nice but did not have the inside engraving in it I ordered nor was the size correct. Ordered size 14, I rec'd size 10 at best. Ring cost $575.00. Spoke to the owner who was very nice and was told to send it back and they would take care of it. Three months later, they will not respond to my emails, voicemailbox is full, will not answer letters and website is gone. I guess Ive been scammed. Buyer beware of JOSTBALF and other online companies. A RIP OFF
You can find a replica Super Bowl ring on eBay. Just type in the year you want to have.
These can be found on ebay.
Replica such as this can be found on Ebay.
You can buy replica Super Bowl rings from eBay and Allie Express. You can also purchase replica Super Bowl rings from Etsy.
Yes, you can buy a Super Bowl Ring. It costs $32,000 a piece.
Yes they do. The loosing team from the Super Bowl receives a Super Bowl ring as well, but it is half the cost of the winning Super Bowl team's Super Bowl ring. Many players choose not to wear those rings, because it symbolizes defeat.
yes as long as a super bowl winner is selling one
Maker of the Stanley CupLord Stanleys trusties make the Stanley cup.When one trusty dies or quits a trusty that is still working there picks a new trusty.
Tickets for 2014 Super Bowl are on sale now since March of 2013.
There are many reliable online ticket brokers where you can get super bowl 47 tickets.
You don't.
You buy it off the internet.