Football-player following girl.
Girls liking football players is pretty much a general standard. Football is nationally known as the "Manliest" of sports. (Whether this is true or not is subject to opinion.) However, you may just be looking at the wrong girls. I fell in love with my boyfriend not even knowing that he played football. I loved him for his passion for music and dedication to God. Just keep looking.
Well, being FAT is simply how you are. Girls, (to you) may like all The football players. Trick is, be very kind, loving, generous, and she's bound to like you. Be who you are and express that.
Football Players by far. Musicians are ugly. So r one legged guys ugh.
because if they dont wear it they will be distracted by girls attracted by them
Football for girls...Kinda like flag football
Superordinating goals
becasue they have time to touch each other.
No because the girls just like kiss you.
It is like 10k or more
Play football and win championships like a boss
Most levels of football exclude female players. Some other contact sports have separate leagues for girls and women.