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Try spreading cards out on a table and upper shelves in an non-musty area of the home and let them acclimate to the room. Keep out of the sun and let the room air sanitize them. It may take awhile.

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Q: Can you get the musty smell out of old trading cards?
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How can you tell if a baseball card is fake?

smell it! old original cards have an unmistakable musty basement smell that cannot be reproduced.

Do newspapers smell bad?

Newspapers can sometimes have a musty smell due to the ink and paper materials they are made of, especially if they are old or have been exposed to moisture. However, some people may enjoy the scent of fresh newspapers.

How can you get rid of 3-5 years old trading cards?

Sell them ebay kijiji

What is the value of popsicle trading cards?

it is worth up to 100 dollars depending on how old it is

How do you get an old barn smell out of your car?

Vacuum thoroughly and then sprinkle coffee grounds on the carpets. Let sit for a couple of days and vacuum again. Works for most musty smells.

How do you write a sentence using word trading?

As a noun: The trading in potato futures was very active today.As a verb: You will just be trading an old problem for a new one.As an adjective: When I was a child, trading cards were very popular.

Who produced New Kids on the Block trading cards?

I have an old set that was produced by Big Step Productions, Inc.

What words can i use to describe an old attic?

Musty, dusty, humid.

What don't cockroaches like the smell of?

cedar, eucalyptus oil and rosemary. Place essential oils of these scents on cotton balls and place where roaches have been seen. Re-apply oils to cotton every few days to keep scents strong and fresh.

How do you eliminate the old smell in old furniture?

To eliminate the old smell in old furniture, you can try cleaning the furniture with a mixture of vinegar and water or using baking soda to absorb odors. You can also place activated charcoal or coffee grounds inside the furniture to help remove the smell. Additionally, letting the furniture air out in a well-ventilated area can also help reduce the musty odor.

When almond paste get old and dry if you reheat will it taste musty?

absolutely not, it will taste even better

Are there any websites available to people strictly for trading old computers for giftcards?

There are different websites on the internet that will help people trade old computers for gift cards. In this age, there is a website for almost everything.