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it is worth up to 100 dollars depending on how old it is

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Single Cards from Marvel Universe Trading Cards Series 2 how much are they worth?

The value of single cards from the Marvel Universe Trading Cards Series 2 can vary depending on the specific card, its condition, and whether it is rare or in-demand among collectors. It is recommended to check online marketplaces or auction sites to get an idea of its current market value.

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Me personally, Mario kart trading cards but this is up to you.

What are moshi monster trading cards called?

Moshi Monsters trading cards are called "Moshi Monsters Mash Up Trading Cards".

How many bin weevils trading cards are there?

there are 225 binweevil trading cards.

When was Leaf Trading Cards created?

Leaf Trading Cards was created in 2010.

What were the popular trading cards of the nineties?

There were tons of trading cards back in nineties. People like trading cards with sports, singers and witch craft.

What is the value of boris vallejo trading cards?

The value of Boris Vallejo trading cards can vary depending on their rarity, condition, and demand from collectors. Some cards may be worth a few bucks, while others could fetch a pretty penny. It's always a good idea to do some research or consult with a trading card expert to get an accurate estimate of their value.

Where can one find Wolverine trading cards?

Wolverine trading cards can be found on eBay, Amazon, inMint, iOffer, bidStart, Bonanza, GrabCart, eCrater, Non-Sport Trading Cards, Superhero Trading Cards, and the Marvel website.