Yes they do offer a repair service for damaged balls, this is only if you live in the states though. :(
They can send a replacement bladder and lace kit for $5 or if you send send them your old ball and $15 they will repair it and send it beck.
Details in the Q&A section of the Wilson website:
Wilson Sporting Goods Attn: Football Repair 217 N. Liberty Street Ada, OH 45810
Wilson Sporting Goods was created in 1913.
Wilson Sporting Goods's population is 1,600.
One can purchase official Wilson football kits from a number of online retailers. They are available to buy from Amazon, eBay, Dick's Sporting Goods and from Walmart.
A leather Pee Wee size football can be bought from the website of Wilson. It is also available at Amazon and Dicks Sporting Goods.
Woodrow Wilson comes to mind. The Wilson sporting goods brand is a big one.
Amer Sports - A Finnish company
Wilson Sporting Goods has made the NFL football for many, many years.
The NFL uses the Wilson official game ball, called "The Duke". Each one has the signature of the current NFL commissioner stamped on to it.
was accuired in 1931
Rawlings Sporting Goods Company manufactures baseball, softball, football, basketball, hockey, and volleyball equipment, gear, and apparel.