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Q: All-star American league signed baseballs from 1958?
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i have the same question. No one knows the answer?

Why would the 1956 Yankees team sign a national league ball?

The baseball could have been signed for a fan that only had a National League baseball on hand. The baseball could have also been signed during a World Series at a National League park where National League baseballs are the only baseballs available.

You got a 1912 baseball can it be worth money?

If you have a signed team baseball it would have a high value as signed baseballs before 1920 are very rare. The team or players would be needed to give you a value. If you have an Official Major League Baseball from 1912 it could be worth about $750. -$1,200. or more depending on condition and if it's a National league or American League baseball.

How rare is a baseball from the 1940's signed by the Yankees?

The team signed baseballs from the 1940's are not as rare as you might think. Team signed baseballs fron the 1940's in excellent plus condition might be on the rare side. The players in the day signed baseball as often or more than the player today. It was part of the job of being a ballplayer. unlike the players of today they did not get paid for it. Baseballs from the early to mid 1940's sell at a lower value than the baseballs in the later 1940's. most Major League stars were off fighting in the war.

Does it hurt a baseballs value if signed by two players?

I have that same problem and yes it does. If it is signed by joe mauer and derek jeter no but if one player is a minor league player or not good then it hurts the value.

What is the value of a 1925 world series basebaell signed by American league president es barnard?

Ernest Barnard was the American League President 1927 - 1931. Ban Johnson was American League President in 1925. The baseball you have would have Red, and Blue stitching and this does not signify that it is a World Series Baseball.American League baseballs with the Reach Trademark had Red & Blue stitching, and the National League Spalding Trademark baseballs had Black & Red stitching up until about 1934/35 when in both league started using only red stitching.The Stamping "Official American League Ball" would be on the sweet spot and the League presidents stamped signature would appear on the side panel as ES Barnard (Ernest Sargent Barnard)An Ernest Barnard Official American league Baseball in excellent condition is worth about $800.-$1,000. For more information on Official baseballs I will leave a link below. I will be updating the page soon adding more pictures, and detail. I will also leave a link to a picture of the ES Barnard stamped signature.

What is an American League baseball signed by Bobby Brown worth?


How much is a Professional League Ball signed by Babe Ruh?

The condition of the baseball (and, of course, authenticity) will play a major role in determining the value of your baseball. Ruth signed baseballs can range from nothing (fake) to $50,000 or more for genuine, pristine examples.

Where can one sell signed baseballs?

One can sell signed baseballs on websites like eBay, Sports Buy, Autograph Collecting, PSA Card, Geo Cities, ABC Unlimited, Richard Simpson Sports or Huggs and Scott.

What is the best authentication for your signed baseballs?

A picture of you with the signer. Otherwise one needs a letter of authenticity.

Did Babe Ruth ever sign little league baseball?

Babe Ruth signed a lot of baseballs, and most items signed were items that were readily available. I'm sure he has signed more than one Little League baseball, as coming across a group of kids signing the baseball they had in hand. As far as value a Major League baseball used during Ruth's day would be most desired for the signature and would sell at a higher value than a signed Little League baseball in the same condition. The bottom line: Regardless of the type of baseball signed, the condition, and the display of the signature will hold the bulk of the value, along with the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature.