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The trade winds.

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Q: You're sailing a boat from Spain west of Florida which winds do you use?
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What are winds that provide a route for sailing ships from Europe to the Americas?

Trade winds

What is winds that provide a route for sailing ships from Europe to the Americas?

The "Atlantic Trade" winds

What wind are favorable to sailing ships?

Steady winds became known as trade winds.

What do you call the winds that old sailing ships used?

You may be referring to the "trade winds".

What wind is favorable to sailing ships?

Steady winds became known as trade winds.

why might arab traders sailing the indian ocean prefer to sail their ship toward india in july?

Arab traders sailing the Indian ocean in their sailing ships preferred to travel during the months of June and July because they were the prevailing months of monsoon winds; that is why they are called trade winds.

Why are the winds that blow from the subtropical high pressure zones called trade winds?

Trade winds are named as such because they historically helped to facilitate trade routes by providing consistent and reliable winds for sailing ships. These winds blow from the subtropical high pressure zones towards the equator and are known for their steady and consistent nature, making them valuable for sailing and navigation.

Why are the winds that blow from subtropical high pressure zones called trade winds?

Those winds were called the trade winds at a time when trade, or commerce, was conducted largely by sailing vessels that required wind in order to travel. The trade winds were particularly useful for sailing ships engaged in trade.

Why are the winds that blow from the subtropical high pressure zones in both hemispheres to the equator trade winds?

They were named the trade winds at a time when trade, or commerce, was conducted largely by sailing vessels that required wind in order to travel. The trade winds were used by sailing ships engaged in trade.

Why are winds that blow from the subtropical high pressure zones in both hemispheres to the equator called trade winds?

These winds are called trade winds because sailors used them for trade and transport during the Age of Exploration. They are consistent winds that blow from the subtropical high pressure zones towards the equator, making them ideal for sailing ships to travel reliably across the oceans.

Why are the winds that blow from the subtropical high pressure zones both hemisphere to the equator called trade winds?

They were named the trade winds at a time when trade, or commerce, was conducted largely by sailing vessels that required wind in order to travel. The trade winds were used by sailing ships engaged in trade.

Does Florida have monsoon winds?

No, Florida does not have monsoon winds. Monsoons are characterized by seasonal changes in wind direction, bringing heavy rains to certain regions. Florida's climate is influenced more by tropical storms and hurricanes.