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The "Atlantic Trade" winds

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Q: What is winds that provide a route for sailing ships from Europe to the Americas?
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What are winds that provide a route for sailing ships from Europe to the Americas?

Trade winds

Winds that provide a route for sailing ships from Europe and Americas?


What was formed by ships that sailed from Europe to Africa from Africa to the Americas and from the Americas back to Europe?

triangular trade route

When ships sailed from Europe to the Americas they took advantage of winds that blew from. To .?

When ships sailed from Europe to the Americas, they took advantage of winds that blew from east to west. These prevailing winds, known as the trade winds, helped expedite the journey by providing a consistent and favorable sailing route.

What did the triangular trade route look like?

The traingular trade route was in the shape of a triangle. Goods from Europe were shipped to Africa, goods from Africa were shipped to the Americas, and goods from the Americas were shipped to Europe.

What were the advantages and the disadvantage of sailing west from Europe to Asia?

The advantages was Portuguese ships began making expedition in search of a sea route to Asia. The disadvantages of sailing west from Europe to Asia is they had no maps that showed the world correctly.

What is a more direct water route through the Americas to Asia?

Exchange of goods and ideas between the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. A sought-after direct water route to Asia through the Americas.

Which continents were a part of the triangular trade route?

The continents involved in the triangular trade route were Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europe traded manufactured goods to Africa in exchange for slaves, who were then transported to the Americas. In the Americas, the slaves were forced to work on plantations producing commodities like sugar, tobacco, and cotton, which were then sent back to Europe.

What regions did the triangular trade route include?

The triangular trade route included Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Goods such as raw materials, manufactured goods, and slaves were exchanged among these regions in a triangular pattern. Europe sent manufactured goods to Africa, Africa sent slaves to the Americas, and the Americas sent raw materials back to Europe.

What ocean do you sail on from Europe to south america?

Sailing from Europe to South America, the most practical route would be across the Atlantic Ocean.

What was the main reason Columbus went to America continents?

Columbus went to the Americas in search of a direct sea route to Asia for trading goods like spices and other valuable resources. He believed he could find a quicker route by sailing west from Europe instead of going east, around Africa.

Which continents were involved in the Atlantic trade route?

The Atlantic trade route mainly involved the continents of Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europe used trading posts in Africa to acquire slaves and goods, which were then transported across the Atlantic to the Americas for sale or exchange.