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Stealth: At night, they are more difficult to see.

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Q: Why do some sail boats sail with black sails?
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Do sail boats have motors?

some sail boats have moters onley big sail boats have moters not small ones

How do you move a ships sails?

IN a traditional sailing vessel sails are moved and controlled by lines. those that raise and lower the sails are halyards and downhauls, those that raise a square sail are bunt lines. The lines used to shape the sails are called sheets (from the foot of the sail to the stern) and tacks (from the foot of the sail to the bow). Braces are used to "brace the yards", turn them to the best angle to the wind.In some of the new sail designs the sails are remote controlled and have some very untraditional shapes.

How do you use loft in a sentence?

We had some sails made for the boat at the sail loft. Then we went aloft to set sail.

How do you move a ship?

IN a traditional sailing vessel sails are moved and controlled by lines. those that raise and lower the sails are halyards and downhauls, those that raise a square sail are bunt lines. The lines used to shape the sails are called sheets (from the foot of the sail to the stern) and tacks (from the foot of the sail to the bow). Braces are used to "brace the yards", turn them to the best angle to the wind.In some of the new sail designs the sails are remote controlled and have some very untraditional shapes.

What are some kinds of boats?

row boat, paddle boat, motor boat, sail boat, cargo boat, speed boat, and fishing boat

What are sails for on a boat?

I used to sail. The sails propel the boat using wind. Some people like to sail better than using a motor it just makes you feel... I gues you could say clean, swift, or graceful

What are inventions from ancient Egypt?

Some inventions traceable to ancient Egypt include writing systems, black ink, ox-drawn plows, 365-day calender, paper, and sails for boats.

Why do some sailboats have black sails?

Most sailboats have white sales. One could have black sails, but it would quickly fade from being out in the sun.

Types of Sales for Your New Boat?

There are two different sails that you need to worry about when you get your new boat, and these two sails are the main sail and the jib. Larger boats will always have both of these sails, although you may have a different setup if you are using a rather small sail boat. The main sail is going to provide you with the majority of your power while you are on the water, so it is important to get your mail sail made from the correct materials. There are different kinds of materials used for different situations, so make sure that you look over all of these different sails before you get started. If you have a large boat, then you will probably need to use a high grade polyester Dacron to improve overall performance and durability. This would be a useful type of sail for boats as large as 45 feet long. If you are interested in blue water cruising, then you may need to get a premium polyester Dacron because these kinds of sails will be able to provide you with some extra power when the wind begins to get too fierce. Another type of sail that you may need to use is the storm sail. This is the sail that you will want to use in nasty weather conditions because it is usually made of some seriously heavy duty materials that will be able to withstand the elements of nature. If you know that the weather conditions are going to be less than favorable, then you need to think about getting a trysail to replace the main sail and storm jib to replace your regular jib. This is the best way to make sure that you will be able to properly control the boat during bouts against inclement weather. These are just a few of the sails that are currently available for boats, so you may want to do more research if you are serious about your boating adventures. As long as you keep safety as your top priority, it should not really matter what kind of sails you pick out for your next adventure on the open water.

What does sail stand for?

Sail is the substance used for the ships. For example; "The sails travel with the ships." Also meaning as some birds flying across the air traveling with the ship, or boat.

Where do you find boats in Pokemon black?

There are some boats in Castelia City, it has several piers.

How do boats sail without the wind?

They don't 'sail'. They might move due to some other force acting on them however. This could include currents, tides etc.