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Q: What do you call a small two masted vessel with a mainsail and jib?
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What do you call a small one-masted vessel with a mainsail and jib?

A sloop

What do you call a three masted vessel?

A Xebec

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What do you call a three masted sailing vessel developed by the Portugese?


What do you call a 3 masted ship?


What do you call a three masted sailing vessel in 5 letters?

Ketch, sloop ---\\\--- Sorry, but a sloop has only one mast, a ketch only carries two. Brigs, barques, brigantines, carracks and square-riggers are different types of traditionally-rigged three-masted ships.

What do you call a 3 masted sailing ship?


What do you call a Small sailing vessel with two masts?

It is a Ketch

What do you call a 2 masted ship beginning with s?

A Schooner.

What do you call a 2 masted ship beginning with k?

A ketch.

A Weyerhauser 4-masted steam lumber schooner with a radio call sign of K T A O operated on the West Coast what was the name of this vessel?

Call sign KTAO was assigned to a radio station in Taos, NM, on 6 Oct. 1986. A search through the Equasis database of merchant ships that are or have been in service worldwide indicates that call sign has not been assigned to a vessel.