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It is a Ketch

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Q: What do you call a Small sailing vessel with two masts?
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What do you call a sailor of a light fast sailing vessel?

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What do you call a three masted sailing vessel developed by the portuguese?


What do you call a three masted sailing vessel developed by the Portugese?


What do you call a three masted ship?

A barque, a caravel, brig, a carrack, a clipper, a corvette, a frigate. These are some of the types of sailing vessels that can have three masts

What do you call a boat with two masts?

A brig

What do you call a small one-masted vessel with a mainsail and jib?

A sloop

What do you call a small two masted vessel with a mainsail and jib?


Is mobile phone number and cell number the same?

Yes. The americans call it a cell due to the way the masts cover a small overlapping area (or cell).

How do phone masts work?

They are basically a 'relay station' The handset transmits a signal to the nearest masts, and the masts re-transmit the signal to the next mast, and the next etc... until the call reaches its destination.

What do you call kilometers when sailing?

You call them kilometres

Why are portable telephones called cellular phones how do they work?

Portable (cell) phones are low-power devices - they have a limited range. Each mobile-phone communicates with at least three mobile 'masts' to establish its location so the network can keep the call connected. These masts cover a set area - or 'cell' (which is why americans call them cell-phones). The masts communicate with each other to connect the call to its destination.