In rowing, a boat propelled by oars is normally called a shell. Based on how many people are using the boat, and eight has eight rowers, a four has four rowers with one oar each and a quad has four rowers with 2 oars each. A pair has two rowers with one oar each while a double has two rowers with two oars each. A single has one rower with two oars in it.
When there is a boat with four people and they each have two sculling oars so in total there are eight oars
The name of the people actually rowing (in the sport, crew) are just called rowers. There is also a coxswain in a boat, that doesn't row but steers the boat and directs the rowers.
The trireme was a Greek ship that used 3 vertical rows of rowers to attain naval speeds unheard of in that day- 8-9 mph. A percussion instrument and training would keep the rowers in time- something vital for the amount of oars in a tight space. The trireme would not be rowed by soldiers, but by trained rowers. Even with this extra weight, the boat would still out-perform any other boat out there.
The homophones for "oars" and "noisy fight" are "oars" and "oars" ("-oars" and "oars").
To move a boat using oars is to row a boat. The action of the oars in the water propels the boat. In ancient times, rowing vessels were used in naval warfare and trade.
Oars and oars
the first in bat has choice of oars