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becos the saile is bigger sow it gets more air

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Q: If a boat has a big sail and goes faster why is it?
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Related questions

What makes a toy boat fast?

A BIG engine or electric motor.. Or a BIG sail.

How big is a sail?

There is no set size for a sail. There are standard sizes for many vessels but a boat may have more than one sail and these too, will be different.

How big sail boat for 15 knots?

I learned to sail in a 7-foot long sailboat that regularly achieved 20 knots.

What are the names of sails on a boat?

in a two handed sailing dinghy, the big sail is called the 'mailsail' and the smaller sail out the front is called a 'gib'

What is the big sail on a boat called?

It's usually called the Mainsail, or as sailors pronounce it, the "mains'l". It is sometimes called the "sheet" too, though that is more generic. +++ The "sheet" is the line that controls the sail's angle across the boat.

How big of a sailboat is needed to sail from Hawaii to Australia?

You can sail anywhere on any size boat, although for one for a long voyage probably one that you will be comfortable on for a long time.

How many people does a sailboat hold?

It depends if your sail boat is big or small. I would say about 5 or 4 people if its normal.

What style boat start with c?

Catamaran, a boat with two small hulls to have less drag in the more water, so it can go faster than a boat with one big hull in the water.

What would you do if you circumnavigate the world?

To circumnavigate the world is to sail completely round the world in a boat.

How do you make a boat that sails by the wind and float in water?

Depends. If it's a toy boat, you find something that float: plastic, cardboard, lightweight wood etc. Then, you take a two small sticks and attach like and L. Turn the L around, and then attach a piece of cloth onto it. Then attach the sail to your boat. To make a real boat, big or small, the simplest way is to make a regular boat (preferably wood), and then maker the sail thing again, and attach it onto the boat.

How big of a boat can you store in your garage?

Well it depends on how big the boat is and how big your garage is... Just make sure you can get the boat in and out.

What is the capacity of a boat?

the capacity of a boat depends on what type of boat it is and how big it is