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Q: How many boats are sailing the ocean at one time?
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What do you call a group of boats sailing at the same time?

a fleet

When is the only time a sailing vessel gives way to a power-driven vessel?

In Australia, sailing boats only have to give way to commercial boats. When collision is imminent. Exercising your "right of way" can be detrimental to your lives and crafts.

What are the behaviors of a minke whale?

The minke whale is found in every ocean in the world. These whales avoid boats and humans, and prefer to be alone except when it is time to mate.

How has the Panama Canal changed the world?

it saved months/weeks of time sailing around south America and gives panama money It connected the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

How did the abos get here?

The current theory is that they got there by island-hopping using simple boats and rafts during a time when the ocean water level was lower than it is today.

Sailing time from Miami to Germany?

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Why wegener theory rejected?

Because he had no physical mechanism to explain how his "islands" of rock could go freely sailing about where they wanted to through the solid rock of the ocean floor. That was how his theory was seen at the time.

Why were the vikings boats called long boats?

The longboat was so important to Vikings because it traveled them across the sea and took them wherever they needed to be at that time.

How many can you get in endless ocean?

You can only have three at a time.

How many people can sail in a Olympic sailing boat?

possibly 2-4 people at a time in a boat,maby more.

How did the Spanish contribute to the ocean exploration?

Christopher Columbus, an Italian sea captain, was convinced that her could reach India by sailing west, across the Atlantic. Columbus, like many others of this time, accepted that the world is a sphere. Therefore, it made sense to him that a ship sailing west would eventually reach Asia. It made sense to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain, too. The thought of the great riches to be gained convinced them to support Columbus's voyage. Which is what the Spanish people contributed to the ocean exploration.

What is the sailing time from Texas to Israel?

300 nights