Same as the rules for any other sailing, Starboard boats have right of way, the windward boat gives way if on the same tack, and over taking boat keeps clear. look at wikipedia under 'racing rules of sailing' for a more extensive answer
A group of kayaks are commonly referred to as a fleet, the same as most boats.
to show that ancient Egyptians could do the same thing
Mariners, the same as men. There are also profane and insulting words used.
colleges race a wide variety of boats. The main boats include:420s - 2 person, 2 sails, spinnakerFJs- 2 person, 2 sails (smaller and lighter than a 420), no spinnakerTech Dinghies- at MIT, one person, one sail, same length as a 420
A number of gymnastics events: pommel horse, high bar, rings. In sailing the women don't sail the same boats. Decathlon.
You'll see that, although the hulls are all painted the same, the deck colours and sails are not. Certainly in the Finn class Ben Ainslie is using the same boat as he used in previous Olympics.
Offspring who have the same parents are called siblings.
It should be stuck together in a group of gears and the gear module is the same.
A crayfish is a crustacean that has a similar appearance to the shrimp. When referring to a group of crayfish you simply call them by the same name.