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Q: How long will it take to sail 1 kilometer travelling at 20 knots?
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How big sail boat for 15 knots?

I learned to sail in a 7-foot long sailboat that regularly achieved 20 knots.

How long does it take to sail from zeebrugge to malta?

4.7 days at 19.5 knots

How long does it take to sail 19 miles at 6 knots?

It would take approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes to sail 19 miles at a speed of 6 knots. This calculation is based on the formula Time = Distance / Speed.

How long does it take to sail 58 nautical miles?

It takes (58)/(your speed in knots) hours.

How long would it take to sail 4385 miles?

It would depend on what speed you were travelling at.

How long did it take a roman merchant ship to sail from Ostia to Asia Minor?

about 7 days in a favorable wind, since the ship would sail at 4-6 knots

How long to sail 175 miles in a sail boat?

This depends on the speed of the vessel over the distance. For instance if assume the vessels speed is 5 knots ( 5 nautical miles an hour) Apply the formula Speed=Distance/Time, With a bit of rearranging Time=Distance/Speed, Therefore it would take 35 hours to sail 175 miles at 5 knots.

How long does it take to sail from Miami FL to Egypt?

The distance is 6665 nautical miles. 27.8 days at sea, speed of 10 knots

How long does it take to sail 650 nautical miles at 10 knots?

Well, a knot is 1 nautical mile per hour.

How long would it take to sail from Boston to Italy if sailing at twenty knots?

Depending on the exact route, the route is approximately 4,600 miles. Assuming 20 knots (no wind corrections) it would be just over 230 hours, of just over 9.5 days asuming you sail 24 hours a day and do not stop for supplies.

A sail boat broke a speed record by traveling at an average speed of 44.5 knots over 500 metersWhat is the average rate of speed in knots per meter?

.089 knots per meter or 11.23 meters per knots

How long does it take to sail from Australia to Israel?

The distance is 8550 Nautical Miles from Sidney to Eilat which is around 20 days in 20 knots or 37 Km/h