The distance is 8550 Nautical Miles from Sidney to Eilat which is around 20 days in 20 knots or 37 Km/h
It can take 18 to 35 days to sail from Sydney, Australia to Perth, Australia. The distance between the two cities is about 3,935 km.
It depends where you're sailing from!
approx 72 days
Winnie the pooh and the blustery day
13 and a half days since its 6,500 nautical miles
If you were to sail from Cape Town in South Africa to Perth in Australia, it would take 7 days, 20 hours. The distance is 5,412 miles.
how long does it take to sail from Pakistan to England
13 May 1787 to 18 January 1788/
how long wil it take to sail from RSA to Odessa
either 21 ,48 ,61 or 72 days i dont no the real answer
Approx 9-10 weeks it takes three and a half weeks to sail to Suez from the south coast of England which is approx 4 days from Scotland.
You can't sail from London to Cologne.