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Q: How are triangles used on nautical charts to plot a course?
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Related questions

What does a sailor use to plot a course?

A sailor will use a nautical chart and its compass rose. The tools he may use will either be a pair of triangles or a set of parallel rules.

What is a simple definition for charts?

It means to plot a course to follow, generally applies to nautical navigation. Also, refers to maps of certain areas travelled by ships which depicts features such as latitude, longitude, reefs, etc.

What is the plot chart for Apollo 13?

The plot of Apollo 13 revolves around the true story of the ill-fated NASA mission to the moon in 1970, where an explosion aboard the spacecraft puts the lives of the astronauts at risk. The crew, led by Jim Lovell, must rely on their ingenuity and teamwork to overcome numerous obstacles and safely return to Earth. The story highlights the bravery, resilience, and dedication of the astronauts and NASA mission control as they face life-threatening challenges in space.

What technology do boaters use in a storm?

I would say, radar if it's low visibility, depth sounding, charts/GPS to know position hazards and plot course.

Is there there a nautical version of Google maps to plot nautical routes?

Yes <a href=">marine geogarage </a>

What are the different kinds of charts?

There are many different kinds of charts. A few would be a graph, bar graph, flow charts, pie charts, pictograph, line graphs, histogram, dot plot, and scatterplot.

Different types of charts?

stem-and-leaf plot pie chart tally chart

What is the use of the chart of component in Excel?

There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.There are different kinds of charts, so they don't all have the same components. Typical things are title, legend, axes, plot area and series.

What do you Meaning by plot a deliberate course?

To plot a course is literally to plan a route to a destination using a map, or figuratively, as in "plot a course of action," to prepare a series of operations toward achieving a goal. A deliberate course is one that is thought out, intentional - that is, not random or accidental.

How do you calculate square metres of a plot with 4 unequal sides?

As it stands you cannot. You have to split the plot into two triangles, or other shapes whose areas can be calculated using a formula.

How do you plot velocity triangle of turbomachinery?

i want introduction to velocity triangles in impact of jet of curved vanes in hydraulics

Is graph and chart similar?

In statistics, a graph and a chart are the same. In arithmetic, a graph is the plot of a function over values. There are no charts.