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A sailor will use a nautical chart and its compass rose. The tools he may use will either be a pair of triangles or a set of parallel rules.

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Q: What does a sailor use to plot a course?
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No there is not a sailor sun but you can use the idea for a fanfiction :D OK!

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That sailor standing on the bridge is the most experienced of all of the crew on board.

Is there 5 sailor soldiers in the Japanese Sailor Moon?

I've only seen a few episodes of Sailor Moon (but that was a long time ago...) but I remember seeing Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. And then Later on I found out that there's a Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. You could also try typing in Sailor Moon on wikianswers and you should be able to find more information; or you could use a searc engine to find out more about the Sailor Moon.

How did Phoenician sailors plot their course?

At first they sailed around coastlines, then worked ot how to use the polar star to keep their bearings when away from land.