Poor spelling?
The officials vary, but there are two referees and two linesman during a hockey game.
As with officials in any game their purpose it to make sure the rules of the game are understood and followed by the players.
A game official is a referee.
there are 4 different officials in badminton
It is called a shuttlecock. It has 16 feathers on it.
There are not 12 officials in a Badmington game there are usually 6 but when the game is half as long then they would only 3/4 officals.
At the 2010 Winter Games, there were 4 officials for a men's game (2 referees and 2 linesman) and 3 officials for a women's game (1 referee and 2 linesman).
Attacking your opponent with your racketshoving your 'shuttlecock' in their facechasing them around the court