Les Miles, known for his nickname "The Mad Hatter" is an American College Football coach and the current head coach of the LSU football team. He started his career at Michigan.
Les Leggett has written: 'Philosophy of coaching' -- subject(s): Coaching (Athletics)
Eddie Robinson of Grambling State sent more than 200 players to the NFL and won 408 games during a 57-year career.
Les Miles goes by The Hat, and The Mad Hatter.
Les Miles was born on November 10, 1953, in Elyria, Ohio, USA.
Les Miles is 61 years old. He was born on November 10, 1953.
Les Miles email address is as follows: lem042@lsu.edu This is his email address at LSU.
English footballer Les Ferdinand did not play for Sunderland at any point during his professional career.
Les demoiselles d'Avignon.
5"7 or 5"8.