The starter (guy with the gun)
The timers (people with the stop watches)
there gay
1% of 1500m = 1500m * 1/100 = 15m
the time keeper
As with officials in any game their purpose it to make sure the rules of the game are understood and followed by the players.
The senators were not officials. The were member of the senate and did not have an executive role. The plebeian were not officials either. They were the representatives of the plebeians and did not have executive functions. The censors were officials. The senators, the plebeian tribunes and Roman officials did keep their original role. Their roles never changed. The question was that some divisive issues in Rome were intractable.
Judges' roles are different from elected officials because judges are meant to uphold the law.
1500m = 150000cm so it is more
The average time for the 1500M is around 8 minutes. The record for 1500M for a 15 year old is 4:00.08 minutes, won by Josho Morgan from South Wales
Well the officials are judges so they make the final decisions and assess the course and the round you do to make sure no onie is cheating and make sure the competition is fair. Hope this helps xx
1 mile