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Carbs is what you burn when your either doing cardio or heavy lifting. Carbs is energy that gives the body a lift when feeling drained. That's why players of any sport drink G2 to hydrate your body. Carbs do help as long as you drink G2. Water will cramp your muscles though after your done, then consume as much water as possible.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Carbohydrates are made of sugar which gives people energy, so if you eat carbohydrates you'll have energy. Just make sure they're whole grains and complex carbs, so that you can have healthy, long lasting energy.

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10y ago

Carbohydrates are able to provide more energy (ATP) than other nutrients.

The liver and muscles can store a form of sugar called glycogen. Glycogen is like energy on demand during exercise. By eating lots of carbohydrates before running long distance, athletes make sure that their glycogen stores are as full as possible. This way the very important energy that glycogen provides the athlete will hopefully not run out too early in the event.

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10y ago

The liver and muscles can store a form of sugar called glycogen. Glycogen is like energy on demand during exercise. By eating lots of carbohydrates before running long distance, athletes make sure that their glycogen stores are as full as possible. This way the very important energy that glycogen provides the athlete will hopefully not run out too early in the event.

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12y ago

They do this because Carbs help build muscle ans strength.

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10y ago

Carbohydrates are able to provide more energy (ATP) than other nutrients.

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17y ago

Carbohydrates (correct glucides) - transformed in glucose in the body - are absolutely necessary for the muscles (they act as a "fuel").

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14y ago

so they can play like leeds rhinos

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12y ago

Because it hydrates you

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Q: Why do athletes often eat lots of carbohydrates the day before competing?
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Why do athletes often eat lots carbohydrates the day before a competition?

This practice is called carb loading. An athlete will carb load before a competition to build up nutrients for the competition, normally the day before. These carbs are complex sugars which will provide them longer lasting energy than other sugar.

Why athletes often eat lots of carbohydrates the day before a competition?

This practice is called carb loading. An athlete will carb load before a competition to build up nutrients for the competition, normally the day before. These carbs are complex sugars which will provide them longer lasting energy than other sugar.

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This practice is called carb loading. An athlete will carb load before a competition to build up nutrients for the competition, normally the day before. These carbs are complex sugars which will provide them longer lasting energy than other sugar.

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