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Through training and exercise you can increase your lung capacity and efficiency, therefore all the training done by swimmers will increase their lung capacity so to average swimmre should have larger lung capacity than the average non-swimmer

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15y ago
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16y ago

Yes because of self-esteem. Kids dont feel so welcome for sports if people are always running past them. I should know.

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14y ago

No they just learn to control their breathing better

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14y ago

Not necessarily, you can train your lungs/breathing to do so.

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Q: Why do athletes breathe differently?
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100 m sprint and sprint events when the athletes do not breathe.

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Eve Wood has written: 'Artistic Children Breathe Differently (The Hollyridge Press Chapbook)' 'Six' 'Love's funeral'

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What is oxyen?

its what you breathe and what plants breathe out while they breathe that out they breathe in carbon diOxide and we breathe it out.

Why fish doesnt have fur?

fish do not have fur because they live in the water. they are not a mammal, since they are not a mammal they need to adapt differently so, they have gills instead of fur to help them breathe underwater. hope that helped.