you probaly have a hard time adjusting your body in the right position while sooting the ball
I this the best player at layups is kobe
it is good to use underhand layups than overhand because in overhand layups the momentum of ur body is added to ur realese so when u release the ball at a gud speed the ball often bounce of the backboard............. but underhand layups require more strength and a good height to execute it................................learn underhand layups and execute it in the game and have fun.................................
Cake Boss - 2009 Liberty Layups and a Loaded Dinner 5-8 was released on: USA: 11 June 2012
Yes you can, but you can't intentionally push someone over. Basketball, on paper, is not a contact sport, but when you actually play it, it is.
no, even if they both have speed and layups, Rajon does not have the same amount of skill Derrick has in jump shots.
You cannot master the layup upon your first attempt. Layups are mastered after years and years of practice. The first year will help you get the basics down; the second year will help you perfect the right or left handed layup; the third, fourth, and fifth years will help you with layups from many different angles; and the sixth year and beyond will help you with the opposite handed layup.
to show that you have hops. And it looks pretty dope infront of everyone. However in highschool its pretty common. So dunking is the next focus.
Do a game 3 pointers are 6 free throw are 3 and layups are 1 try to get as many points as possible in 2min
Grinnell division III school, thanks
it all depends on what your position is, if you are a pg to sf, youll usually get from as low as 35% to about 50% and if your a pf to c youll usually average from 50% to about 65%