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The umpire assists the referee. If you need two people( like I do... :D ), I don't know the second person.

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15y ago

In wreck volleyball (which I play), they have two parents on opposite sides of the court to judge whether or not the ball went out or stayed in, so basically, if it's valid.

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11y ago

The 2nd referee assists the 1st referee.

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What is a referee's assistant?

the judges assist the referee.

What does an assistant referee need to know?

An assist referee should know all about football. He should know as much as the referee so that if the referee is blinded or very far away the assistanat referee could give decession after consulting with the referee.

They assists the referee?

There are two people who assist the referee , they have flags to help, they are called the linesmen.

The person who blows whistles and calls penalty?

That person is called a referee.

How can you get referee in WE raw PC?

you have to chose a referee when you chose your person

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Can a referee wear prescription glasses?

Indeed, Referee or any Sport's person can wear Prescription glasses

What do you call a person in charge of a football game?

A referee usually controls a football match

What is an assistant ref soccer?

They are one of the officials in soccer. There is only one referee on the pitch, but there are other officials. One is the assistant referee. They watch the game and may assist the referee by keeping in contact by radio. They can look after things like timing the match and dealing with the substitutions. If the referee has to come off and be replaced, like if they got injured, the assistant referee could take over.

What do you call a person who writes a reference?

The word is referee.

What do you call a person who provides a reference?

A person who provides a reference is often referred to as a referee.

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