The most famous lady footballer is the American footballer Mia Haam.
Most developing countries use the money loaned to them from the IMF and the World Bank to stabilize their economy and to improve infrastructure.
Depends on the company, Most will allow 2 and up to 50% of vested value to be loaned.
The best footballer in 2006 was Christiano Ronaldo.
54 books
Most developing countries use the money loaned to them from the IMF and the World Bank to grow their economy, and to improve infrastructure development.
Messi has won four times consecutively Baloon D'OR . Previously This title footballer of the year has been won by two players the most time. They are The Brazilian Ronaldo and the French footballer Zinadine zidane. They both have won it thrice in their playing career.
The most goals scored by a footballer is 10000 and by Tanishq Malhotra . (he just the best footballer i the world )
The french footballer to score the most E.P.L goals is Theirry Henry.
I think it is Diego Maradona - I saw him many times arguing and fighting. But Messi is really the opposite.
The winner of the F.I.F.a footballer of the year is Zinedine Zidane of France who won it thrice.
The one who has the most money