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It was the Marathon of Hope, well the start anyway.

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Q: Where was terry fox supposed to finish the marathon of hope?
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Related questions

Who is the founder of the marathon of hope?

Terry Fox

Where did terry want his marathon of hope to end?


Who went on the marathon of hope with Terry Fox?


When did terry stop his marathon of hope?

september 1st

What is Terry Fox's run name?

marathon of hope

What did Terry Fox call his run?

the marathon of hope

Is terry fox famous or not?

Terry Fox is famous because he ran for the marathon of Hope.

How did Terry Fox die?

No he wouldn't have but he would have lived longer but he believed he could do it and he didn't want to die from running but he did. The cancer terry had, he might not have survived from it because there was a 50% survival rate.

What was Terry's journey across Canada called?

Marathon of hope

Who started The Marathon of Hope?

Terrance Stanley Fox ( Terry Fox)

What was Terry Fox's journey across Canada called?

Marathon of hope

Where did Terry Fox marathon of hope start?

he started in st. john's