No he wouldn't have but he would have lived longer but he believed he could do it and he didn't want to die from running but he did.
The cancer terry had, he might not have survived from it because there was a 50% survival rate.
Terry Fox did not achieve his goal and did not finish his marathon of Hope. Terry finished his unfinished run in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Terry Fox recieved his prosthetic leg some time in March or April of 1977, and died on June 28, 1981, at the age of 22.
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
No, Terry Fox did not have a pet alligator.
Terry Fox was afraid of nothing really. :)
Terry Fox was a Canadian. Known as the inspiration of the Marathon of Hope, Terry Fox died from cancer.
Terry Fox is considered our national hero, he died here in Canada.
Terry Fox died June 28, 1981 at the age of 22.
Terry Fox recieved his prosthetic leg some time in March or April of 1977, and died on June 28, 1981, at the age of 22.
Yes, in Thunder Bay.
Terry Fox died on June 28, 1981 at the age of 22.
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
4:35, June 28, 1981
Whatever Terry Fox knows
terry fox eve
Où est né Terry Fox? = Where was Terry Fox born?
No, Terry Fox did not have a pet alligator.
Terry fox was a great runner