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In soccer, there is no such thing as a blue card. However, indoor soccer (A similar by distinct sport) uses the blue card to indicate a time penalty for certain fouls. If the goalkeeper receives a blue card, another player will serve that time in their place.

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Q: When a goal keeper receives a blue card in soccer do they have to leave the game or does another player leave for them?
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A player recieves a ball when he wins it from another player or when it is passed to him. He also receives it during set pieces.

In soccer is the number 12 for a player or goalie?

Player, the keeper is normally #1

What happens if the goalkeeper is injured in soccer?

If the goal keeper's team has substitutions remaining, then another goal keeper may replace them. If not, then a field player must be nominated to become the new goal keeper.

Do you have to have a goalie in soccer?

Yes, one player on the field must be designated as the goal keeper.

Who is the official time keeper in soccer game?

The referee is the official time keeper in a soccer match.

In soccer if the goal keeper is out of the box is the keeper then a defender?

Technicaly the keeper is always the keeper which is why he is wearing a diffrent uniform. In the rules it states that a team must be made up of ten players and a keeper you must have a keeper at all times. If he is out of the box he acts as any other player and cannot use his hands. You could have your keeper playing striker if you wanted as long as he was still wearing somthing to distinguish him as the keeper.

What does it mean to loan a soccer player to another team?

you let another soccer team use one of your players

Do ho soccer gloves have finger saves?

Yes they do. A soccer keeper glove is made to completely fit a keeper's hand and has 5 finger slots.

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What is a Libero in the sports field?

A Libero is a noun and in the sports field is directed to soccer and to volleyball. In soccer the word refers to a player called "The Sweeper" who protects the goal keeper. In Volleyball the word refers to the player who plays in the back row.

In soccer is a goal keeper considered a defender when the keeper comes out of the box?

The goal keeper is always considered a defender, if he is in or out of the penalty area.

How do you get a soccer agent?

You can get a agent from another football player.