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A target

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Q: What is a arrow aimed at?
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What did Daniel Boone have when the Indian aimed at him?

an arrow escape

An archer shoots an arrow horizontally at a target 17 away The arrow is aimed directly at the center of the target but it hits 52 lower what is the arrow's initial speed?

3.06 meters per second

What is the opposite of arrow?

The opposite of arrow could be something like a target or a bullseye, as arrows are typically aimed at these objects. In a more abstract sense, the opposite of an arrow could be stillness or stationary.

What are the release dates for Magnum P-I- - 1980 The Arrow That Is Not Aimed 3-13?

Magnum P-I- - 1980 The Arrow That Is Not Aimed 3-13 was released on: USA: 27 January 1983 Netherlands: 4 March 1984 West Germany: 8 January 1985

When shooting an arrow at a target why is it advisable to aim above the bull's -eye rather than directly at it?

The arrow does not travel straight, it travels in a parabolic curve from the bow string to the target. The action of gravity pulls the travelling arrow down, so that by the time it gets to the target it is lower than what you initially aimed for. If you aimed for the bullseye, then your arrow may hit lower than the bullseye. Aim above the bulls eye--but not too high--you will hit the bullseye.

Why when an arrow is let go does it move forward?

When an arrow is released from a bow, it moves forward due to the force generated by the tension in the bowstring. This force propels the arrow forward with momentum, causing it to travel in the direction it was aimed. Additionally, the aerodynamic design of the arrow helps it maintain stability and accuracy during its flight.

How does brian cook his first fish?

brian cooks his first fish by sticking the bow and arrow down the water and waiting for the fish to come close a fish stpooed in front of the arrow and he aimed it benath it and realesed and then the fish was dead

Where do you point the arrow on Astro Knights Island?

The Giant ArrowThe rope is tied to the giant arrow, and the bow aimed up and left to hit the door of the Princess tower. You get as many tries as you need.The Ice ArrowTo affect the Dragon, you must shoot directly into its mouth while it is "stunned" (eyes closed).(see related question)

Can light be aimed?

yes it can be aimed it can be aimed off of many things such as a mirror

Why are some arrows thicker than others?

Arrows can vary in thickness based on the weight of the arrow shaft, the size and type of arrowhead used, and the intended purpose of the arrow. Thicker arrows generally have more mass and can deliver more impact, while thinner arrows are lighter and may travel faster. The choice of arrow thickness depends on factors such as the distance of the shot, the target being aimed at, and the desired speed and impact force.

What are all the fighting trick in Anime Fighting Jam?

down arrow + right arrow + L up arrow + down arrow + L left arrow + up arrow=L down arrow + right arrow + L + left arrow + L

Words that are spelled with aim?

aim aimed aimed at