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3.06 meters per second

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Q: An archer shoots an arrow horizontally at a target 17 away The arrow is aimed directly at the center of the target but it hits 52 lower what is the arrow's initial speed?
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Related questions

In what does an archer carry his arrows?

The archer's Quiver holds the arrows.

How do you use arrows in a sentence?

The archer launched arrows at the target.

What is the weapon that an archer uses?

A bow and arrows.

How do you scroll horizontally on keyboard?

Using the arrows -> and <-

What does an archer use that starts with b?

bow and arrows

What way does the arrows point on a food chain?


What is a bow and arrow expert called?

Someone with skill with a bow and arrows is called an archer. An expert would be the same hing but with an added "expert" or "master", being "an expert archer"or "a master archer.

What did a medieval archer do?

An archer was a person who shot arrows from a simple bow. A person who used a crossbow was usually called a crossbowman. The astrological sign of Aquarius was sometimes called the Archer.

What does a archor do?

Anchor? holds something in place. Archer? uses a bow and arrows.

What do you call a person who shoots arrows very well?

A good archer.

Why an arrow shot horizontally and an arrow dropped straight down from the same height will hit the ground at the same time?

Both arrows will hit the ground at the same time because the force of gravity acts equally on both arrows, regardless of their initial horizontal or vertical motion. The vertical component of the horizontally shot arrow's motion does not affect the time it takes to fall to the ground.

What is the origin of the word Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is a centaur that is also an archer. The word means "pertaining to arrows".