Misty May-Treanor is married to Matt Treanor.
Misty May-Treanor's mother was Barbara May.
Misty May-Treanor's mother was Barbara May.
Misty May-Treanor' s mom died in 2002 of cancer.
Misty May-Treanor was born in Los Angeles, California on July 30, 1977.
Misty May-Treanor is 39 years old (born July 30, 1977).
Misty May-Treanor has been playing for over 2 million years
Not yet.
Yes, Misty May-Treanor was on Dancing with the Stars.
Misty May-Treanor's favorite colors are blue and green.
No Misty May Treanor does not have kids. She would like to have once her and Kerri Walsh win the gold in the 2012 Olympics.
Her number is 56