Misty Haze's birth name is Tonisha Taylor.
Misty Upham's birth name is Misty Anne Upham.
Misty Kelley's birth name is Misty Lynn Raether.
Misty's Japanese Name: Kasumi Yawa Misty's American Name: Misty Waterflower Misty's French Name: Ondine (idk last name in french srry!) hopes this helps ^.^
Yes, you can name your pikachu Misty.
Misty's name in Japan is Kasumi.
When used as a name, "Misty" becomes a proper noun.
The name Misty is an Old English female name that means mist. The name is from nature. Other spellings for the name Misty are Misti, Mystee, Mysti, and Mistie.
Misty Grayson's birth name is Jane Burgess.
Misty Stone Real Name Patricia Lunsford
Misty Parks's birth name is Shawna Real.
Misty Stone's birth name is Michelle Lynn Hall.