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strained hamstrings are caused when a hamstring is strained

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Q: What causes a strained hamstring?
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What are causes of hamstring injuries?

A person can get hamstring injuries by not warming up and stretching before exercising or simply being a teenager and just growing. Hamstring injuries can be prevented if a person warms up and stretches before doing a running activity.

Can pulling a hamstring cause bruising?

I doubt very much if pulling your hamstring causes bruising, because bruising is bleeding under your skin, so if it's bruised you should get that checked.

Is a torn ligament a strain?

No, a torn ligament is a sprain. A sprain can happen when a ligament is overstretched. It can be caused by a twist or wrench. So a twisted ankle is a sprained ankle. A strain refers to when you tear or overstretch a muscle or tendon (which attach muscles to bones). This can be caused by a sudden stretch or extra effort. So a pulled hamstring is a strained hamstring.

What precations should i use to continue to play softball with a pulled hamstring?

A pulled hamstring takes weeks to heal and it's not a good idea to play at all. If you can even walk you're doing well and if you can walk without moderate to sever pain then it's probably strained and not pulled. Either way you will aggravate the injury and turn a couple of weeks into months.

Which motion are the hamstring muscles responsible for?

for what are the hamstring responsible?

What causes muscles overtime to become larger or smaller?

Usage. If they are strained they grow bigger, if not used they shrink.

Is the biceps femoris a hamstring muscle?

The biceps femoris is part of the hamstring. The other parts of the hamstring are the semitendonous and the semimembranous.

Which muscle would you stretch if having a hamstring spasm?

the hamstring

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